

Ed Almond, Chief Executive and Secretary

Ed Almond joined the 新萄新京十大正规网站 in 2001 as Head of Business Planning and Performance. Ed gained an MBA in 2004 before becoming Director of Corporate Strategy & Planning in 2005 and Director of Finance and Planning in 2006. 此前,他曾在John Sisk建筑集团工作,并为英国董事会提供战略支持.

In 1989 Ed commenced training as an accountant with Ernst & Young working with a wide variety of clients including McDonnell Information Systems and Leica. He qualified in 1992 and is now a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & 威尔士.

在完成伦敦大学学院应用分子生物学硕士学位之前,他曾在埃克塞特大学接受生物科学培训. With a particular interest in extremely thermophilic archaebacteria, 他在康奈尔大学和加州大学伯克利分校的化学工程系进行研究生研究,然后于1987年回到英国,在罗森斯特德研究站为SERC工作.

Toni Allen, Chief Engagement & 增长官

Toni Allen has over 20 years’ experience in driving forward thinking integrated sales, marketing and commercial strategies to maximise B2B and B2C opportunities, launch new propositions and deliver sustained profitable growth in complex marketplaces. Working across diverse multi-cultural markets, she has driven multi-sector strategies and market approaches in sectors such as Food, 医疗保健, 快速消费品, 技术, 教育, 航空航天, 汽车, 构建服务, 网络安全, 艺术, Charities and Non-Profit Organisations.

She has extensive experience of working with organisations, from start-ups to global corporations, using strategic thinking to develop new solutions to address client needs. This includes developing acquisition strategies, new product development and innovating new propositions in vertical and horizontal markets. She has worked agency and client-side on large multi-faceted global campaigns, 包括在新的零售类别中将新产品推向市场,并在现有类别中进行战略创新.

Toni has a diverse go-to-market background, from launching the UK’s first Carnival 艺术 Degree and the 2012 Olympic Carnival Roads Project, to developing new secure mental health propositions for Autism and PTSD, 为全球主要烟草品牌推出首个数字电子烟产品,并推出领先的大客户和客户体验计划,例如推出专门的BSI在线门户网站,旨在增强统一的客户体验. 她是英国特许市场营销协会的新萄新京十大正规网站,也是B2B营销奖和劳埃德银行商业奖的定期评委.

Morna Dason-Barber, People Director

Morna Dason-Barber于2019年1月加入新萄新京十大正规网站担任人力资源总监,此前她在英国标准协会(BSI)的人力资源部门工作了12年.  在加入新萄新京十大正规网站之前, Morna’s most recent role was as EMEA HR Director.  在BSI工作之前, Morna曾担任多个职位,包括劳埃德银行集团的人力资源经理,以及捷豹路虎(前身为捷豹路虎)的人力资源经理,在捷豹路虎,她以毕业生实习生的身份开始了她的职业生涯.


Sara Killingworth, Director of Portfolio and Product Management

Sara has over 20 years’ experience in developing and delivering new propositions, product and marketing strategies to support growth and engagement. She has held a number of management roles in sales and marketing, working in sectors including publishing, 电信, 食物, education and consumer electronics. Sara于2017年加入新萄新京十大正规网站,担任营销主管,并于2024年晋升为目前的职位,担任投资组合和产品管理总监.

 During her time at the 新萄新京十大正规网站, Sara has been responsible for strategic marketing, 数据和洞察力, 市场调研和营销运作,并参与了包括新萄新京十大正规网站增长在内的几个战略举措, the development of new products such as 收集 Analytics, 新萄新京十大正规网站的40多种期刊向开放获取的转变以及最近对WISE Campaign的收购. 在她的新角色中, Sara负责开发新萄新京十大正规网站的投资组合策略和产品管理计划, 提供商业和市场情报,发展和提高我们的新萄新京十大正规网站和客户体验.


Christopher Knibb, Director of 治理 and External Engagement

Christopher Knibb于2017年加入新萄新京十大正规网站,担任企业传播主管,负责平等, 多元化和包容性, external and internal communications, 政府关系.


在加入新萄新京十大正规网站之前, Christopher worked for various NHS organisations, 领先通信, patient and public engagement, 社会营销, 筹款, information governance and corporate services.

With a journalism background, he left newspaper reporting to move into communications, 加入了泰晤士河谷警察局的通讯团队,在那里他处理了一系列备受瞩目的案件, as well as supporting community relations following the London terrorist attacks in 2005.

Christopher拥有写作和出版学位以及公共关系研究生文凭, as well as qualifications in 治理. 他是公共关系特许学院的成员,也是英国和爱尔兰特许治理学院的附属成员.

Michelle Richmond MBE, Interim Operations Director

Michelle Richmond was appointed 新萄新京十大正规网站 Director of Membership & Professional Development in 2006. Her career started in 1981 with Siemens Plessey Radar, 怀特岛, as an apprentice and then microwave technician engineer. On completion of her degree, Michelle became Principle Microwave Design Engineer.  She was then promoted to Development Manager working on AR327 Military Radar System. Michelle joined Nokia Huntingdon in 1995 as base station Product Manager.

Michelle moved to Matra Marconi Space in Stevenage in 1996 as Antenna Project Manager and later Deputy Project Manager for the Skynet 5 Satellite System; in 2000 she joined Ubinetics, a PA Consulting Group technology spin-off company, 担任项目经理, working on advanced 3G test platforms and then as Operations Manager. Ubinetics was acquired by Aeroflex in 2005.  

米歇尔也是新萄新京十大正规网站在工程委员会董事会的代表,在IIE和IEE成立新萄新京十大正规网站理事会时,她是新萄新京十大正规网站理事会的成员. She was awarded Britain’s ‘Young Woman Engineer of the Year’ in 1990. 她是一名特许工程师,拥有南安普顿高等教育学院(兼职)的电子工程学位,并于1999年获得了新萄新京十大正规网站的奖学金.


John Sullivan, Chief 技术 Information Officer

John于2024年3月加入新萄新京十大正规网站担任首席技术信息官,此前曾在Virgin Trains担任首席信息官和变革总监,在Gondola Holdings担任IT总监. 他在铁路和酒店行业提供数字技术转型方面有着良好的记录,并增强了客户, member and staff experiences to drive advocacy and business value.

In his role at Virgin Trains, John为所有面向客户的技术定义了策略,并通过优先考虑未来客户旅程和正确的事件顺序来交付重大变更. 在此之前, 他负责贡多拉集团及其餐厅Pizza Express的技术和数字创新的各个方面, 问, 齐齐和拜伦·伯格.

作为一个现代的CTIO, John专注于通过使用最新的创新技术和对文化的强烈关注来实现加速数字化业务转型的变革, 认识到变化必须由整个企业的一个具有统一和明确目标的团队来完成.

Simon White, Chief Finance Officer

Simon was promoted to his current role in August 2023, after joining the 新萄新京十大正规网站 in 2021 as a consultant focusing on Change and Performance. 涵盖金融, 战略规划, 项目, Property and Facilities in his remit, 他还非常关注支持持续改进文化的创建.

在加入新萄新京十大正规网站之前, Simon held several senior leadership roles in the 快速消费品 and Retail sector, each with a strong customer and delivery focus. From the foundation of his degree in Management and Computer Science, 他是CIMA合格会计师,具有以全球视角实施战略变革的经验.